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Kyushu and Okinawa Companies Face Labor Shortages

A survey conducted by Tokyo Shoko Research Fukuoka Branch on April 19th reveals that 67.5% of companies in Kyushu and Okinawa feel understaffed with full-time employees. The sense of labor shortage is particularly strong in industries such as restaurants, bus and taxi companies that have been severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The disparity between industries may continue to widen in the future. The proportion of companies feeling a shortage of non-full-time employees was 45.1%. Industries that stand out in this regard are bus and taxi companies, restaurants, and retail businesses, which become busier as the flow of people recovers. Source: Nikkei

Kyushu and Okinawa Companies Face Labor Shortages

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Okinawa Prefecture
Published: Apr 20, 2023 / Last Updated: Apr 20, 2023

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