Local News

Kyushu’s Largest Biomass Power Plant Emerges in Genkai, Saga Prefecture

In Genkai, a town in Saga Prefecture known for its livestock industry, a completion ceremony took place for one of the largest biomass power plants in Kyushu. The newly completed “Genkai Biomass Power Plant” is designed to generate power by converting livestock waste into methane gas through fermentation, which is then used for electricity generation.

In the past, dealing with the odor, cost, and labor of waste disposal was a significant issue in Genkai, a region known for its thriving livestock industry. However, thanks to the understanding and support of the local community, the construction of this power plant was possible. Scheduled to begin operations this summer, the facility is expected to supply enough electricity for approximately 4,500 households. Furthermore, it is projected to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 3,700 tons each year. Source: KBC

Kyushu's Largest Biomass Power Plant Emerges in Genkai, Saga Prefecture

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Saga Prefecture
Published: Jul 24, 2023 / Last Updated: Jul 24, 2023

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