Local News

Nishitetsu Profits Surge 2.4x to 9.3 Billion Yen

Nishi-Nippon Railroad Co., Ltd. announced a net profit of 9.3 billion yen for Q1 2023, a 2.4-fold increase from the previous year, largely due to the sale of Nishishin Palace in Fukuoka City. Despite growth in transportation services post-COVID-19, a significant reduction in international logistics led to a 19% decrease in operating revenue to 96.8 billion yen. The company also revised its revenue forecast downwards for the fiscal year ending March 2024, while making an upward revision to its net profit forecast. Source: Nisitetsu / Nikkei

Nishitetsu Profits Surge 2.4x to 9.3 Billion Yen

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Fukuoka Prefecture
Published: Aug 16, 2023 / Last Updated: Aug 16, 2023

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