Local News

Perpetrator Consultations: Fukuoka’s DV Reduction Plan

Fukuoka Prefecture has launched a new initiative in April to reduce domestic violence (DV) by accepting phone consultations from perpetrators as well. Officials from the prefecture say they want to listen to the perpetrators’ side and work together to find ways to stop using violence. According to Fukuoka Prefecture, more than 2,100 DV-related consultations are received annually at the Spousal Violence Counseling and Support Center, and the situation remains at a high level. While the prefecture provides temporary protection for victims, it believes that efforts to reduce harm must also include addressing the perpetrators. The consultations are handled by staff from nonprofit organizations that operate rehabilitation programs for perpetrators. They respond to inquiries such as, “My partner pointed out that my words and actions are DV, but I don’t know how to resolve it.” The Fukuoka Prefecture Gender Equality Promotion Division, which initiated the project, commented, “We want to listen to the concerns and troubles of the perpetrators and work together to find ways to stop using violence.” The “DV Consultation Hotline for Those Who Want to Stop” can be reached at 090-5303-9394 and is available every Sunday, except for year-end and New Year holidays, from 10 am to 1 pm. Source: NHK

Perpetrator Consultations: Fukuoka's DV Reduction Plan

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Fukuoka Prefecture
Published: Apr 5, 2023 / Last Updated: Apr 5, 2023

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