Local News

Munakata to Reproduce Edo Period Marriage Parade

On February 24th Munakata cities citizen group, the Akama districts community management council, will be holding their annual Akama inn festival where they will reenact a marriage parade from the Edo period. It is the second time they are having the parade to promote the region’s history as a prosperous inn town, and the council is currently looking for two couples to join the parade. The deadline is the 27th of this month.

Last year was the first time that the citizens dressed up in outfits from the Edo period as a means to reenact the liveliness of the region. 150 people dressed in samurai and town girl outfits marched amidst 15,000 onlookers from around the area. This year, in an attempt to liven up the event, they decided to have real brides and grooms participate as well. The event will start at 11:00 in the morning from the Akama community center and attendees will march through the city surrounded by traditional celebratory music to the local Suga Shrine where they will hold the wedding. The council is looking for couples that are unwed or who married after January 2011 that did not hold celebrations. Participants must agree to have their photos used in papers and articles. The entry fee is ¥50,000 per couple with the wedding and costumes included. Source: Nishinippon Shimbun, Jan 10, 2013. Munakata City HP: http://www.city.munakata.lg.jp/

Published: Jan 16, 2013 / Last Updated: Apr 1, 2016

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