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Saga City Gears Up for Charichari’s Green Mobility Revolution

Charichari, the bike-sharing sensation flourishing in Fukuoka City, is poised to transform Saga City’s streets with its eco-conscious transport solution starting in May. The initiative, in collaboration with Saga City slated for April 4, aims to weave sustainability with urban convenience, catering to both locals and tourists. While the exact locations and number of bikes are still being finalized, the focus is on securing strategic spots across the city, particularly around Saga Station, SAGA Arena, and Saga Castle Park, to ensure maximum accessibility and visibility.

The expansion is part of a broader strategy to integrate eco-friendly transportation within the city’s fabric, especially in the lead-up to the National Sports Festival in October. Charichari’s footprint, which began in Fukuoka in February 2018, boasts around 4,200 bicycles and 700 docking stations, with its presence already felt in Nagoya, Tokyo, and Kumamoto. Kurume City is next in line, with services kicking off in April. In a strategic move to boost brand recognition and streamline its identity, Neuet, the force behind Charichari, will rebrand itself to match the service’s name from April 1, enhancing its market presence and user engagement. Source: Charichari

Saga City Gears Up for Charichari's Green Mobility Revolution

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Saga City
Published: Mar 14, 2024 / Last Updated: Mar 14, 2024

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