Local News

Tragic Choking Incident at Miyama Elementary School

A first-grade boy tragically lost his life after choking on his lunch at an elementary school in Miyama City on the afternoon of February 26. It is believed that the choking was caused by a quail egg included in the day’s “miso oden” meal. Despite immediate response efforts, including back slaps by the teacher and emergency first aid by the school nurse, the child was pronounced dead after being airlifted to the hospital. In response to this heartbreaking incident, the Miyama City Education Board has temporarily halted the use of quail eggs in school lunches and is reviewing the size of other food items provided. Additionally, school counselors have been dispatched to offer mental health support to other students. The Education Board has expressed deep regret over the accident and is committed to preventing such incidents in the future. Source: NHK

Tragic Choking Incident at Miyama Elementary SchoolPhoto from Photo AC

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Fukuoka Prefecture
Published: Feb 27, 2024 / Last Updated: Feb 27, 2024

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