Party Snaps
- Party Snaps
Feb 16, 2016 Gallery
Valentine’s Party 2016 レポート
Thanks to the over three hundred guests who attended our first party at Quantic - it was a blast! And congratulations to...
Jul 1, 2015 Gallery
The sun was shining, the maple syrup was flowing, and 783 party-ers gathered at Tenjin Monolith to become honorary Canadians for the night. This year’s Canada Day was better than e...
Feb 17, 2015 Gallery
Wow! What a blast! 437 party-people attended Fukuoka Now’s annual Valentine party at Hotel Il Palazzo last Friday night. Special thanks to everyone who helped make it so much fun: ...
Nov 11, 2014 Gallery
Creative Community 2014 開催レポート
A Welshman, an Englishman and a Canadian go to a bar. They’re joined by an American, four guys from New Zealand called Sam, two Thai women, three Frenchmen and some well-dressed Ru...
Jul 29, 2014 Gallery
Another great turnout with 552 attendees, foreigners and Japanese, many in colorful yukata, jinbei and aloha shirts. One big highlight was the swimsuit-clad staff from “Beach Store...
Jul 3, 2014 Gallery
MCミカエラが日本語と英語で会場を盛り上げ、ジンジャーエールの早飲み大会や、今年のカナダデーの目玉、Tim Hortonsコーヒーで盛り上がりはピークに!ノバスコシア出身のトーマスによるカナダ音楽ライブでは、カナダでお馴染みの歌をギターと合わせて披露。そして!お待ちかねチャイナエアライン提供のバンクーバー往復航空券は、ステージ前でアツい視線を送り続けていた大...
Feb 18, 2014 Gallery
Any thoughts of the cold night outside melted away on Friday Feb. 14, as just shy of 500 well-dressed guests entered the classy venue of Hotel With the Style for a night of jazz, c...
Oct 7, 2013 Gallery
A clicking of cameras and flourishing of furry microphones greets the first audience members to arrive at Gaikokujin Star Tanjo 2013, Fukuoka Now’s fourth annual showcase of intern...
Aug 13, 2013 Gallery
プールサイド サマーパーティ 2013
やっぱり暑かった!NOWサマーパーティには612名ものゲストがWITH THE STYLEのプールサイドでホットなひとときをエンジョイ!浴衣やアロハシャツで夏のお洒落を楽しんで、スパイシーなエスニックフードや、カラッと喉を潤すシンハービールやモエ・シャンドンで気分はリゾート!屋外ステージでは心地よいブラジリアンミュージックのライブや、妖艶なベリーダンスが披露...
Jul 1, 2013 Gallery
Canada Day 2013
That was fun, eh! 1,011 people attend the Fukuoka Canada Day last Friday, June 28. The event was held at the brand new, spacious and gorgeous Tenjin Monolith. The weather cooperate...