Now Reports
- Now Reports
Aug 28, 2017Now Reports
In the Yoshitake district of Nishi Ward, numerous ruins dating as far back as the Old Stone Age (20,000 years ago) have been unearthed. What are considered the most important of th...
Jul 28, 2017Now Reports
支援创业的“Fukuoka Growth Next”
今年4月,在中央区大名开设了一座设施“Fukuoka Growth Next”,为希望创业或希望向新事物挑战的人士提供援助。该设施诞生...
Jul 28, 2017Now Reports
8月 – 福岡導覽
August is the hottest month of the year in Fukuoka and while many take refuge indoors with air conditioning, dining al fresco at a yatai is recommended too. In this issue we introd...
May 30, 2017Now Reports
June 2017 Fukuoka Now
Hope you are hungry - because in this month’s edition of Fukuoka Now we have lots of tasty information for you! Have you wanted to try Kobe beef? This month we introduce Ryuen Nish...
May 29, 2017Now Reports
Apr 27, 2017Now Reports
May 2017 Fukuoka Now
Japanese national holidays including Showa Day, Constitution Memorial Day, Greenery Day and Children’s Day are all lumped near the first week of May and for many it’s truly a Golde...
Apr 25, 2017Now Reports
海洋世界海之中道作为福冈县唯一的水族馆而深为市民所喜爱和熟悉,重新装修后,于4月12日重新开放。以前曾以“对马海流”为主题展出鱼类,重新装修后,将主题扩大为 “九州海洋”,在此可学习九州各地丰富多彩的海洋生态。此外,几乎将所有的水槽都进行了新设或整修,并在映像及音响方面也进行了讲究的布置。
Apr 25, 2017Now Reports
Feb 28, 2017Now Reports
三月 – 福岡導覽
It’s the month of March, the leaves are turning green, the blossoms are budding and the smell of spring is in the air! We’ve been running around Fukuoka looking for the best places...