“Jikijiki” is a food label created by Kyoko Hirosawa, a popular cooking expert living in Fukuoka, who started out with the desire to directly deliver what was harvested during the season. Through cooking lessons and workshops, she is engaged in activities to connect eaters and makers. The taste of the creators, the process of shaping the inspiration obtained from the ingredients in the kitchen and acting on the table, and fun food ideas that excite the tongue and excitement will be exhibited in a story style through photos, videos, recipes, tools, etc. During the period, jikijiki products and original products of this exhibition will also be on sale.
・10/3 (Sat.) ~ 11/1 (Sun.)
・10:00 ~ 20:00
・Closed: 10/20 (Tue.)
・Adult ¥400, College student ¥300, free for HS and younger
・Mitsubishi Artium (8F IMS)
・8F IMS, 1-7-11 Tenjin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka