Located in Ikaruga, Nara, is the Chūgūji, a temple built in the Asuka period by Prince Shotoku’s mother. It enshrines the statue of a pensive bodhisattva, a National Treasure that has also been deemed the pinnacle of Asuka-period art. Also on display will be the Tenjukoku Shucho Mandala, another National Treasure in the Chūgūji which was created to mourn the death of Prince Shotoku, as well as many other treasures from the temple.
国宝 菩薩半跏思惟像(伝如意輪観音)飛鳥時代 7世紀 奈良・中宮寺 撮影:佐々木香輔
• 1/26(Tue.) ~ 3/21 (Sun.)
• Closed: Monday
• 9:30~17:00 (Last entry 16:30)
• Adult ¥1,800, university student & HS ¥1,200, JHS & ES ¥800 * Purchasing date and time specific tickets required.
• Kyushu National Museum
• 4-7-2 Ishizaka, Dazaifu City, Fukuoka
• 092-711-5491(Nishinippon Shimbun Event Service)
• https://www.kyuhaku.jp/exhibition/exhibition_s59.html
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重要文化財 菩薩半跏像 北魏時代 6世紀 東京・永青文庫