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Foreign Tourism in Kyushu at 70% of Pre-Pandemic Levels

In April, the number of foreign tourists visiting Kyushu, Japan was over 230,000, which is about 70% of the level before the COVID-19 pandemic. The focus now is on how much tourist inflow will recover from mainland China.

According to the Kyushu Transport Bureau, the number of foreigners entering from airports in Kyushu in April was 233,100, a forty-four-fold increase from the same month of the previous year. This marks the fourth consecutive month of foreign arrivals exceeding 200,000. 

International flights are resuming one after another at airports in Kyushu, with noticeable entries from countries like South Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand. In comparison to April 2019, before the COVID-19 outbreak, the number of visitors was at 74% of that level.

The sluggish return of Chinese tourists, who made up a significant portion of inbound demand before the pandemic, is a factor. The Japanese government is easing border control measures, and flights from Beijing and Shanghai to Fukuoka Airport are set to resume in June. Source: Kyushu District Transport Bureau / NHK

Foreign Tourism in Kyushu at 70% of Pre-Pandemic Levels

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Travel & Tourism
Published: May 25, 2023 / Last Updated: May 25, 2023

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