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Fukuoka and Oita to Host Japan’s Largest Domestic Tourism Campaign

Starting April, Fukuoka and Oita Prefectures will co-host the “Destination Campaign,” the largest domestic tourism campaign to date. The campaign, announced on February 19, will run from April to June, featuring over 300 bus tours called “Yoka Bus” across Fukuoka and various art-related travel experiences in Oita. These initiatives aim to showcase the local attractions, cuisine, and contemporary art, including works by renowned artist Takashi Kuribayashi. The campaign’s slogan, “A Journey of Bliss and Great Fortune in Fukuoka and Oita,” anticipates an economic impact of 23 billion yen for Fukuoka and 12 billion yen for Oita. The Destination Campaign is a significant effort to promote regional attractions nationwide, marking the first joint campaign proposal to JR by Fukuoka and Oita in 25 and 9 years, respectively. Source: Fukuoka Oita Destination Campaign / NHK

Fukuoka and Oita to Host Japan's Largest Domestic Tourism Campaign

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Travel & Tourism
Fukuoka Prefecture
Oita Prefecture
Published: Feb 21, 2024 / Last Updated: Feb 21, 2024

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