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Inaugural Monitor Tour of “Yoka Bus” Explores Kyushu’s Attractions

As part of the largest domestic tourism campaign, the “Fukuoka-Oita Destination Campaign,” the first monitor tour for the “Yoka Bus” took place on April 11, offering participants a curated tour around various attractions within Fukuoka and Oita Prefectures. The bus tour, a collaborative effort by Fukuoka and Oita Prefectures along with the JR Group, showcases regional culinary delights and activities. On this inaugural tour, 20 individuals from within the prefecture and neighboring Kumamoto embarked from JR Hakata Station to the Chikuhou region. Highlights included a relaxed outdoor experience by a campfire in Kama City and a visit to the historic former residence of Denemon Ito in Iizuka City. With 50 different itineraries available, the tour aims to provide a comprehensive exploration of Fukuoka’s diverse attractions. Bookings can be made through a dedicated website, with hopes by local tourism officials to encourage a thorough exploration of Fukuoka’s many offerings. Source: NHK / Yoka Bus

Inaugural Monitor Tour of "Yoka Bus" Explores Kyushu's AttractionsPhoto from Yoka Bus official facebook

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Travel & Tourism
Fukuoka Prefecture
Published: Apr 12, 2024 / Last Updated: Apr 12, 2024

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