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Kyushu Companies Lead in Sustainable Goals

A 2023 survey by Teikoku Databank’s Fukuoka branch shows a growing emphasis on renewable energy and recycling among Kyushu companies. The active engagement in Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has risen to 56.4%, a 2.8-point increase, reflecting awareness towards renewable investment and disaster preparedness. For the first time, 30.6% of companies are actively working on SDGs, with an additional 25.8% wanting to engage. Kumamoto leads with 70.3%, and four Kyushu prefectures are in the national top 10. The semiconductor industry’s growth, particularly TSMC’s expansion, is cited as a likely cause for these increased numbers. Source: Nikkei

Kyushu Companies Lead in Sustainable Goals

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Published: Aug 22, 2023 / Last Updated: Aug 22, 2023

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