Local News

Kyushu Start-up Receives ¥2.35 Billion Investment

Total investment in domestic space-related startups is currently at an all-time high, exceeding ¥6 billion for 2017. On Nov. 6, it was revealed that iQPS Inc. (Institute for Kyushu Pioneers of Space) would be receiving ¥2.35 billion from a group of investors, including the Innovation Network Corporation of Japan and the Mirai Creation Investment Limited Partnership. The iQPS is developing small satellites which utilize innovative radars known as SAR (synthetic-aperture radar) to observe the earth and capture ground level images at night or in bad weather. The funds will be used to develop and launch two new satellites by 2020. The group aims to have 36 devices in the Earth’s orbit by 2024, with the technology being used to develop advanced maps that can provide close to real-time updates. Source: Nikkei Shimbun, 11/6/2017

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Fukuoka Prefecture
Published: Nov 15, 2017 / Last Updated: Nov 15, 2017

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