Local News

Monkey Alert: Onojo City Ups Patrols

On the evening of August 31, a man in his 70s was lightly injured after being scratched by a monkey near his home in a residential area of Onojo City, Fukuoka Prefecture. Police report that since August 24, there have been multiple sightings of monkeys in Onojo City. They are urging residents to avoid approaching the animals and to report any sightings. On the same day, about an hour before the incident, there was another reported sighting of a monkey in the same area. Given the mild nature of the man’s injuries, which included some bleeding on his thigh, authorities are emphasizing caution. The city is planning to patrol school routes by car, particularly during the times when children are going to and from school, as the second semester for elementary and middle schools begins on September 1. Source: NHK

Monkey Alert: Onojo City Ups PatrolsPhoto by Luke Jones on Unsplash

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Fukuoka Prefecture
Published: Sep 1, 2023 / Last Updated: Sep 1, 2023

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