Now Reports

7월 후쿠오카 가이드

The Hakata Gion Yamakasa festival kicks off on July 1st and to help you enjoy it even more, we prepared a festival guide and a handy map for Oiyama (the climax) on the morning of July 15th. It’s also the season for fireworks festivals and beer gardens. We’ve updated both guides on our website, so find the best and closest ones to you there. Looking for a summer getaway? The island of Iki is just 70 minutes by hydrofoil from Fukuoka City and has more than 30 beaches to choose from! We introduce a few of Iki’s summer attractions in this month’s special feature. If you prefer a cooler climate, then consider a stay at the recently renovated Unzen Kyushu Hotel in Unzen, Nagasaki. Relax in hot springs and enjoy amazing views of the jigoku (hells). This month’s recommended restaurant is Suiko Sushi in Nakasu and our cafe pick is 1101sai (pronounced “Ichiju Isai”!) in Otemon. We also introduce the recently opened soba restaurant Murata on Keyaki-dori. Their three varieties of buckwheat noodles are delightful but be sure to order some side dishes too. And if you’ve ever wanted to try coffee cocktails, Citadel in Daimyo has several and a slew of handmade fruit liquors too.

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소바 무라타 아카사카 케야키도오리점Noodle


에도 시대로 시간 여행을 떠날 수 있는 하코시마가 주택Feature

Iki Island Summer Adventure!Feature

The New Unzen Kyushu Hotel – Luxury Hot SpringFeature

Hakata Gion Yamakasa Guide 2018

Fukuoka Fireworks Guide 2018

Fukuoka Now Beer Garden Guide 2018


제32회 후쿠오카 아시아 영화제 2018

전일본 레코드・CD서머 카니발

타나바타 축제

재팬 비치발리볼 투어 2018

하와이언 페스티벌 in 후쿠오카 2018


다자이후 텐만구 여름 텐진 축제

사카구라 de 히야 가든

Fukuoka City
Published: Jun 27, 2018 / Last Updated: Jun 27, 2018

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