Local News

Plans Underway to Extend Port of Hakata

Fukuoka City is looking into the possibility of integrating the harbor used by international liners on the east side of the Port of Hakata, allowing multiple large ships to dock at the same time. The move would make it easier for the port to accommodate large-scale ships, such as the new high-speed boat that JR Kyushu Jet Ferry plans to build. Officials are also exploring the prospect of extending the west side of the port, which is used by cruise ships. A total of 328 cruise ships called at the Port of Hakata in 2016, making it one of the busiest commercial docking facilities in the country. Proposals were put forward to increase the length of the quay wall from 330 to 600 meters, which would allow two cruise ships to use the port at the same time. However, discussions are now taking place to extend the quay to 820 meters so that larger size vessels can dock in the harbor. Source: Yomiuri Shimbun, 12/12/2017

Photo provided by the City of Fukuoka

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Published: Dec 20, 2017 / Last Updated: Dec 20, 2017

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