Fukuoka City
- Fukuoka City
Nov 1, 2005 Now Reports
Jeff Jackson
Trying to summarize who Jeff is, where he's been and what he's done in his action-packed life is a daunting task; maybe akin to shooting out of a sand trap with only a putter?
Oct 1, 2005 Now Reports
Tony Batista
Tony Batista joined the Hawks on a $15 million two-year contract at the start of this season and has banged out over 25 home runs since.
Oct 1, 2005 Now Reports
The Five Levels of Drinking in Japan
Visitors to Japan will notice that there's an awful lot of drinking going on here. Most resident gaijin don't have a problem with it - after all, "When in Rome"... or Fukuoka. b...
Sep 1, 2005 Now Reports
Giuseppe Alabiso
"I used to cut the hair of beautiful women everyday; now I cut beautiful flowers. I enjoy both, but the flowers complain less.
Sep 1, 2005 Now Reports
Spicy Fukuoka!
September in Fukuoka is Asian Month, so why not explore one of Asia's hottest attractions-spicy food.
Sep 1, 2005 Now Reports
Hitchhiking – Have thumb will travel!
I have been hitchhiking across three continents for over four years, but by far the best place I've ever hitched has been Japan. by Daniel Flynn
Aug 1, 2005 Now Reports
Keitai Army
My world is filled with electronic gadgets, things I believe help me get by-my i-Pod, my PDA, my digital camera, and, of course, my cellphone. Without these toys I don't know what ...
Aug 1, 2005 Now Reports
Maria Azuma
Those ubiquitous Yakult Ladies; they're everywhere! But we've never seen one with such long blond hair! Initially her customers were pretty surprised too!
Aug 1, 2005 Now Reports
Scary Summer!
The word urameshiya itself curdles the blood of many Japanese. Roughly meaning 'reproachful,' it is the lament of those who have died and become ghosts rather than finding eternal ...
Aug 1, 2005 Food & Drinks
Yakitori - skewers of chicken and veggies grilled to perfection over smokey charcoal, washed down with cold beer after a hard day's work is a delectable Japanese standard.