Now Reports

9월 후쿠오카 가이드

Now that we survived one of the hottest summers on record in Fukuoka, it’s time to enjoy autumn and of course, the Hojoya Festival, one of Fukuoka’s best attended festivals. This year it runs from Sep. 12 to Sep. 18. Learn about its history and charms in our Hojoya Festival guide and then see it for yourself. This month’s recommended noodle shop is Oshige Shokudo Imazumi, where the soup is brewed in a flame heated siphon individually for each customer. It’s one of the most unique ramen shop experience ever!! Gyoza is a trending dish in the city, and Las Vegas is amongst the newest trendsetters. Sit at the counter and you even make your own dumplings. For a cup of coffee prepared to precise specification, visit Coffeeman in Ropponmatsu – who else! And for a bar that is open from noon to midnight, and all standing, Neo Megusta in Akasaka is the place to go. As usual, our event calendar pages are filled with intriguing and fun events to attend. So grab a hard copy of our magazine at any hotel or information counter in the city or download the PDF and enjoy Fukuoka – now!

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교자 라스베가스Gourmet


오오시게 식당 이마이즈미점Noodle

NEO MEGUSTA(네오 메구스타)Bar

영화, 드라마 속의 후쿠오카Feature

Itoshima Now! September 2018Feature

하코자키구 호죠야2018

Fukuoka Fruit Picking Guide 2018

Asia Kawaii Hakusho – Visit Yanagawa!

9월 24일~30일은, 결핵 예방 주간입니다Feature


프로야구 9월 호크스 경기

아트 페어 아시아 후쿠오카 2018

제16회 쿠루메 야키토리 페스티벌

큐슈 오텀 페스티벌

나카스 재즈 2018

아시아 포커스 후쿠오카 국제영화제 2018

The Creators 2018

A View into the Cup – Coffee Festival Vol. 3

Published: Aug 29, 2018 / Last Updated: Aug 29, 2018

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